Wednesday 10 March 2010

First blog

Ok, this isn't going to be mind blowing, hilarious, profound or a whole variety of other things. It is after all, my very first blog.

So, sitting on the sofa stuffed full of free Tiramisu coutesy of University's fabulous Cafe Piazza. Housemates are commenting on TV adverts for Dylon Colour Catcher, "Ooh, that's a nice washing machine" -( franglaisframboise ) fascinating, the life of a finalist.

So, what is this blog about you might ask? Perhaps I should give myself a brief. Number 1 ambition of the moment is to move abroad with the boyfriend and teach English in Korea. So that's going to take a lot of planning and organisation, not my strong points. But I'm working on that...

As he doesn't graduate until November and it's difficult to get joint placements out there we've got a few months to kill. So what projects of huge responsibility have I taken on so far?

Firstly I'm on the Erasmus committee. That's actually easy enough aside from having to get up at 6a.m. to take our beloved members on day trips. Being an ex-Erasmus student myself I've cracked this seemingly brilliant idea to publish a booklet on what to expect. Which I will be researching and writing entirely by myself. Hmm, a touch ambitious you might say?

Well that's not all. The aforementioned Erasmus year in Salzburg, Austria was spent sometimes traveling, sometimes speaking German, but often drunk. As a result I have pretty much screwed myself out of getting a first class English degree. Boo. But I'm giving it a shot anyway, and if I'm to have any chance I have to write an essay which I sort of forgot to do whilst out there. That should bump up the average anyway. Only problem is it's 10,000 words and I haven't started it.

In addition I'm trying to write not one but two short stories, for two separate competitions. And they can't be any old shite, what's the point of entering if you don't intend to win?

Anything else? Oh yeah, trying to get some work experience at a school that teaches English before I go abroad, get a TEFL, take Greek lessons, hold down a part-time bar job, a long-distance relationship and keep my grades up. All the while trying to spend as little as possible so I have a chunk of money for holidays/rent/food/the usual.

I should probably delete my Asos account.

All in all, my blog will be about the above.

Bis bald,
Peuschy. x

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